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4 Ways To PREVENT Post-Workout Soreness?


By Kevin DiDonato MS, CES--Level 1 Certified Precision Nutrition and Certified Personal Trainer

Working out is great for improving your fat loss, body composition, and your overall energy levels.

But sometimes, the after effects may be no fun at all.

You see, after a pretty intense workout, you may be very sore.

So sore that walking up – or down stairs – may be a chore.

Or sitting on anything may cause ripples of pain to move through your body.

This pain – often referred to as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) – may be a combination of many things…

And the harder your workout, the greater chance you have for developing DOMS.

However, there are some things you can do to minimize the pain and get yourself back on track for working out.

The Four Tips for Reduced Muscle Soreness

From time to time, after a pretty intense workout, you may experience a little – or a lot - of soreness.

Well, here are FOUR easy ways to soothe your sore muscles – without using over-the-counter medications:

1. Exercise

There is no better way to get over the soreness from exercise than with a little more exercise.

Studies show that exercise – compared to massage therapy – may be just as effective at reducing post-exercise soreness as a good deep tissue massage.

One way to limber up sore muscles: Go for a brisk walk or a long bike ride.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

It may seem like common sense, but keeping yourself hydrated may be a great way to reduce the stiffness and soreness commonly associated with an intense workout.

But here’s the problem: Many people are dehydrated, which could make their muscles stiff, sore, and less flexible.

So, if you want to reduce your soreness post-workout, then you should focus on getting EIGHT, EIGHT-ounce glasses of water (or more) per day.

3. Tart Cherry Juice

You may be surprised that tart cherry juice is on the list.   But it’s on here for a good reason:  Tart cherry juice possesses powerful anti-inflammatory molecules.

Studies show that tart cherry juice may be just as effective – or even more effective – than over-the-counter pain relieving

This could reduce the swelling associated with the microtrauma to your muscles, which could reduce the pain after your workout.

4. Post-Workout Recovery Shake

One of the easiest ways to reduce your muscle soreness is to have a post-workout shake within 45 minutes of your workout.

Having a post-workout shake during this critical time, shuttles the right nutrients (proteins, carbs, vitamins, and water) into your muscles to maximize your recovery.

For the best results, you should drink a post-workout shake that contains the right combination of protein and carbs at least 45 minutes after your workout to gain all the powerful benefits.

The Easy Way to Better Recovery

If you want to prevent the soreness commonly associated with exercise, you should include these FOUR tips from above.

Not only do they provide your body a better chance for recovery, these four tips could also speed up your metabolism, leading to bigger gains or greater fat loss.

So, for healthy recovery post-workout, start by including one – or all – of these four tips.

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